Pasteis de Nata are flaky Portuguese tarts with a creamy egg custard filling. Found in small shops throughout Lisbon, they’re a small, sweet extravagance perfect for breakfast, dessert, or a midday treat. Enjoy these delicious tarts and transport yourself across the Atlantic courtesy of Suvie! 

Pasteis de Nata

  • Servings: 1-6
  • Difficulty: 30 minutes
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  • 6 pasteis de nata


1) Line a Suvie pan with parchment paper. Place pasteis de nata in the pan, custard-side up. 

2) Input settings and cook now or schedule. Be sure to select “Yes” when asked if cooking from frozen. 

Suvie Cook Settings

Bottom Zone: Roast at 350°F for 15 minutes 

Top Zone: None

3) Remove pan from Suvie and serve pasteis de nata immediately. 

Pasteis de Nata


Nutritional Information per serving (1-6 servings per recipe): Calories 160, Total Fat 7g, Total Carbohydrates 22g, Total Sodium 0mg, Total Protein 2g.

CategoriesBreakfast Dessert
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Milli Denney
Milli Denney
1 year ago

I would like to know a few things.
What are the total outside measurements of Suvie 2 and 3? (Hight, width and depth)
Size of pans, both if different.
What utensils can or can’t be used in pans?
Can rice be cooked in the pan or do i need an other gadget for rice?
I think that’s all for now, thank you!

Caroline Pierce
Caroline Pierce
1 year ago
Reply to  Milli Denney

Hi Milli, the FAQ on our website has a lot of answers to your questions. You can use any utensils in the pans. We recommend cooking rice in the Suvie Starch Cooker. Suvie can make risotto well, but not traditional rice. Hope that helps!