This simple side dish brings all your favorite roast vegetables together on one platter, including crisp brussel sprouts, tender potatoes, sweet parsnips, colorful carrots, and..
Papa rellenas or “stuffed potatoes”, are a popular Peruvian dish that makes for some scrumptious appetizers. We love using leftover mashed potatoes for this recipe..
No one can resist a creamy cheesy casserole! There’s an old school broccoli casserole recipe, one of my Ma’s favorites, that serves as inspiration for..
Elevate your pie game and bring this dangerously poppable showstopper to your next holiday party. This cook requires a non-negotiable 20 minute preheat to make..
Herb Roasted Chicken with Garlic Potatoes and French Green Beans
Say “bonjour!” to our latest meal packed with all the delicious flavors of France. Our roasted half chicken, seasoned with thyme, salt, and pepper, is..
We couldn’t resist recreating this traditional Peruvian dish in Suvie. Flavored with soy sauce and vinegar, this stir-fry is a chifa dish, which seamlessly marries..
Empanadas are tasty turnovers popular all over South and Central America. Every region that enjoys empanadas has their own unique version made with a variety..
Anticuchos are a popular style of street food found throughout Peru. These meaty meals consist of skewers or marinated meat typically served with corn and..
Taquitos (literally, mini tacos) are small, cigar-shaped tortillas filled with a combination of protein and cheese. Our tasty taquitos are stuffed with a creamy, cheesy,..
Porchetta-Inspired Meatloaf with Sun-Dried Tomato and Sage Pesto
Porchetta (pronounced, por-ketta) is a culinary tradition in Italy. It is made by heartily seasoning a boneless pork roast, wrapping it in pork belly, and..
Smothered Pork Tenderloin with Blistered Green Beans
This classic comfort recipe has family meal appeal. Pork tenderloin is rubbed in a savory blend of garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper. The..
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