This recipe is a great way to make delicious shrimp quickly. The key to this recipe is to cook the shrimp over high heat quickly so that you get some exterior browning without overcooking the delicate shrimp. Use this recipe as a building block for your next meal and serve the shrimp with white rice or crusty bread and a simple side salad.

Spicy Lemon Shrimp

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: 15 minutes
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  • 8 oz peeled, deveined shrimp
  • ¼ tsp chili powder
  • ⅛ tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1 pinch granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice


1) Pat shrimp dry and transfer to a large bowl.

2) Drizzle oil, chili powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, sugar, and ¼ tsp table salt over shrimp and toss to fully coat.

3) Add the shrimp to a Suvie pan in a single layer. Place pan in the bottom zone of Suvie, input settings, and cook now or schedule.

Suvie Cook Settings

Bottom Zone: Roast at 400°F for 15 minutes

Top Zone: None

3) Remove pan from Suvie, and transfer shrimp to a serving platter. Season shrimp with lemon juice, and serve.


Nutritional Information per serving (2 servings per recipe): Calories 180 , Total Fat 9g, Total Carbohydrates 1g, Total Sodium 460mg, Total Protein 28g

CategoriesDinner Shrimp
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